Celebrate the Life, Times, and Works of William Marx Mandel!
Redwood Gardens Community Room
2951 Derby Street, Berkeley, CA 94705
Saturday, February 4, 2017, 1pm til 4:30 pm.
Wheelchair access
View Map
Dear Friends and Relatives:
We, the children and friends of Bill Mandel, invite you to join in celebrating his life, times, and works, on Saturday, February 4, 2017, 1p.m. to 4:30p.m., at:
The Community Room at Redwood Gardens
2951 Derby Street, Berkeley 94705
A mic and speaker will be open for anything you would like to share with us, and light refreshments will be there to encourage your more loquacious, eloquent self. Musical instruments, song, poetry, or any other form of paen to the late Bill – a fellow who enthusiastically enjoyed a good party! – will be most welcome.
It’s a long drive from Florida, Anchorage, Moscow, Studio City or Goldens Bridge to Berkeley, so we encourage you to join us but will completely understand and miss you if you can’t.
If you care to bring any potluck or beverages, your generosity would be welcome but definitely NOT required! Anyone who cares to help us clean up afterwards will receive big hugs, leftovers, and our compliments on your presumed intelligent November 2016 voting choices.
To RSVP, please either join the Facebook page or email Phyllis Mandel at pmandel39@gmail.com
NEW: The family has set up a GoFundMe page to help cover the costs of hiring helpers, buying food, drinks, and supplies. We appreciate any help you can lend to a family financially pressed by the costs of Bill's care.
Thanks, love, and . . . on behalf of Tanya, Bill, and ourselves . . . make Peace!
Phyllis, Bob, and Dave Mandel |

Most people will enter via steps on Derby opposite Claremont Blvd. Park on neighborhood streets.
Redwood Gardens is located on the old Clark Kerr Campus, formerly the School for the Deaf.
#49 Bus stops right in front of Redwood Gardens; STOPS RUNNING AT 7 pm
Catch #49 at Rockridge BART or Downtown Berkeley BART
#51 runs along College Avenue, 2 blocks away
DIRECTIONS to Redwood Gardens
Redwood Gardens is located on the old U.C. Berkeley Clark Kerr Campus, formerly the California School for the Deaf.
#49 Bus stops right in front of Redwood Gardens; STOPS RUNNING AT 7 pm
Catch #49 at Rockridge BART or Downtown Berkeley BART
#51 runs along College Avenue, 2 blocks away
Directions to those coming from within Berkeley:
Go east on Dwight Way to the stoplight on Dwight and Piedmont Ave. (the third stoplight after the ones at Telegraph Ave and College Ave. Turn right onto Piedmont Ave. Go approximately 0.2 miles to where Piedmont Ave. ends at Derby St. (you will have passed the entrance to the Clark Kerr Campus on your left). Go left on Derby and proceed 0.1 miles. You should be looking to your left for a bus shelter next to an awning with 2951 on it in white letters. Claremont Blvd. intersects Derby on your right at this spot.
Directions from those entering Berkeley from Caldecott tunnel
or going east on 580:
Take highway 13 which becomes Tunnel Road and go to the second stoplight at the intersection of Ashby Ave. and Claremont. Turn right on Claremont Blvd, being careful to keep to your left as the road divides (tacqueria restaurant on traffic island should be on your right). You are now on Belrose Ave., which in a few blocks curves around to the left onto Derby St. Look for the bus shelter/awning with 2951 on it in white letters on your right, and Claremont Blvd. intersecting Derby on you left. Proceed as above to enter Redwood Gardens.
Directions from Hwy 80/580 on the bayshore side of Berkeley:
Take University Ave. exit and proceed 2.3 mile on University Ave. until it ends at Oxford St. Turn right onto Oxford St., stay in the right lane, and go 0.5 miles to Dwight Way (Oxford changes name to Fulton, but never mind that). Turn left onto Dwight way, go 0.7 mile to the fifth stoplight at Piedmont Ave (the previous two stoplights being at Telegraph Ave and College Ave. Turn right onto Piedmont Ave., go 0.1 mile where it ends at Derby (you will pass the main entrance to the Clark Kerr Campus on your left). Turn left onto Derby and begin looking on your left for bus shelter/awning with 2951 on it in white letters. Claremont Blvd. intersects Derby on the right at this spot. Proceed as above to enter Redwood Gardens.
There is parking on both sides of Derby Street and in adjacent neighborhoods. Leave time for parking and be careful to cross Derby at the crosswalk right outside Redwood Gardens as drivers tend to go fast on Derby Street.
To find your way to The Community Room: After parking, go to the awning and up the stone steps, walk to your right a few steps and you will see a sign directing you to the entrance of the Community Room building. A more accessible route takes you just up the street, east of the awning to a partially barricaded driveway which also leads (to the left) to the party. You are likely to see a bright, lively sign pointing the way from the street! |
Mobility Impaired Access
Wheelchair access to the Community Room at Redwood Gardens, Berkeley via the kitchen emtrance
Go east on Dwight Way almost to the top
Take last right before end: Sports Lane. The only sign is “Strawberry Canyon Youth Sports Camp”
pass tennis courts
Turn Right at Eastway Drive (see sign post) THIS IS NOT MARKED ON MAP BELOW
Southwest Street may be the place
X marks your destination
See turn by turn photos following

Turn right onto Eastway Drive also marked Exit. This is your second possible right turn off Sports Lane and doesn't show on this map.

Pass by residence parking lot on left
After residence parking lot very soon there is a little street on left
Turn left here. The sign says Exit to Derby

Soft Left at Sign Redwood Gardens Office
If you go straight you’ll exit onto Derby

The kitchen entrance is on right. You may park for a short time on the X to unload.

There is one step up

To exit continue up driveway.
Turn left at the top onto Sports Lane
Continue to follow Sports Lane back to Dwight Way